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I like shiny things, like a magpie. I also like Peanut Butter. Thats another story.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Work Experience - Day 3.

And so my days of working in a Pharmacy are nearing a close. I have one more day and my holidays start. I'm kinda glad though because I honestly have nothing to do in the Holidays. I'm trying to save up for Halo: Reach, but all that money is probably gonna be wasted on Fable III which comes out in about 16 days. Excited! Anyway, Work Experience. That's what this blog is gonna be about.. Like the last two. I promise after the final work experience blog I'll try and do a funny one. Pinky Promise.

Same routine in the morning as the last two days. Wake up, moan and groan about waking up, actually wake up, get up, shower, clothes, food, and go off in the car. I should point out I have to wear a shirt. I never wear shirts! Only for the poshest of posh occasions. But it does make me feel smarter.. Anyway, I got there at the normal time of 9.00am and did nothing for the next hour or so. I did the odd bit of dispensing, but that's it. Tea break started at 10.30am as per usual. My tea came in a cool mug. It changed colour according to if there was something hot in it or not. I want one like that, you know, to distract me further whilst I'm meant to be working. I was given a wee talk about Schizophrenia from one of the Pharmacists and then Catriona, one of the technicians took me down to one of the wards to do a drug check-up. Lunch was different. This lady came in with a whole bunch of Tesco bags filled with food. Apparently the department were having a Drug Lunch. The lady that came in took out her laptop and whilst the department ate their lunch, which the lady kindly had bought, she talked about some stuff that had happened in the world of Pharmacology. I got bored and drifted off. I think I began to wonder what kinda of Super Hero I would be. Anyway, not much happened after lunch as normal, except there was this rush for quite a few prescriptions of Clozapine. After that I played Solitaire and Minesweeper on the computer. Minesweeper is a confusing game..... DFTBA.

Andrew's iLog

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